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Account Based Marketing Manager

Refine and execute a global Account-Based Marketing strategy to drive sales growth.
San Francisco Bay AreaNew York
$99,000 - 231,000 USD / year
4 months ago


Build React components visually

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✨ About The Role

- Develop and refine Figma’s approach to global Account-Based Marketing - Execute and optimize a data-driven ABM strategy to achieve sales goals and contribute incremental revenue - Deploy multi-channel ABM campaigns, including crafting strategy, aligning internal teams, and project managing execution - Provide ongoing reporting, campaign insights, and pacing toward goal to stakeholders - Partner with regional Demand Generation Managers, Field Marketers, Sales, and BDRs to build integrated campaign motions

âš¡ Requirements

- Experienced in building, executing, and measuring account-centric (ABM) programs to multiple personas in an organization - Strong ability to gather input and establish alignment between a large number of stakeholders - Proven track record of successfully implementing large marketing programs delivering results - Familiarity with building and implementing account-based marketing programs - Excellent verbal and written communication skills, with effective listening and a strong collaborative attitude
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Account Based Marketing Manager
San Francisco Bay AreaNew York
$99,000 - 231,000 USD / year
Job is no longer active
About Visly
Build React components visually