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Application Security Engineer

Perform vulnerability and penetration testing, emphasizing automation for testing and remediation.
Salt Lake City
2 months ago


A communication, marketing, and payments platform for local businesses.

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✨ About The Role

- The Application Security Engineer at Podium is responsible for ensuring that application services are designed and implemented with high security standards - Conducting vulnerability and penetration testing, emphasizing automation for testing and remediation - Collaborating with developers, DevSecOps, and other teams to ensure a continuous cycle of secure development - Staying updated on public-facing security issues, adopting new testing tactics, and actively participating in application projects and change management committees - Defining and following a security review process, utilizing dynamic and static code analysis resources, and documenting delivery advances meeting service-level agreements

âš¡ Requirements

- Experienced cybersecurity professional with a background in application programming and at least 5 years of relevant industry experience - Proficient in threat modeling, vulnerability testing, and software development in languages like Java, Python, C++, Ruby, etc. - Strong understanding of network and web protocols, APIs, and dynamic and static analysis tools - Excellent communicator who can effectively convey business risks from cybersecurity issues and demonstrate integrity, excellence, curiosity, and adaptability - Trustworthy individual with leadership qualities and a track record of implementing secure development practices
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Application Security Engineer
Salt Lake City
Job is no longer active
About Podium
A communication, marketing, and payments platform for local businesses.