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Software Engineer, Preparedness

Build infrastructure to support evaluations of frontier AI models and mitigate misuse risks.
San Francisco Bay Area
$200,000 - 385,000 USD / year
4 months ago


Building artificial general intelligence

Job is no longer active
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✨ About The Role

- The role involves building evaluations of frontier AI models to assess identified risks and designing infrastructure to support these evaluations - Collaborating with other teams to incorporate monitoring of real-world misuse risks into evaluation processes - Creating full-stack applications to demonstrate evaluation results to external audiences - Working on capability assessment, evaluations, and internal red teaming for frontier models to ensure safety of highly-capable AI systems

âš¡ Requirements

- Experienced software engineer with a track record of pushing boundaries in frontier AI models and building scalable infrastructure - Ability to work effectively in a fast-paced research environment and deliver projects end-to-end - Strong understanding of societal aspects of AI deployment and willingness to work cross-functionally - Excellent communication skills and a humble attitude with a desire to contribute to team success
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Software Engineer, Preparedness
San Francisco Bay Area
$200,000 - 385,000 USD / year
Job is no longer active
About OpenAI
Building artificial general intelligence