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Design Engineer

Craft innovative user experiences to communicate the benefits of AGI effectively.
San Francisco Bay Area
$190,000 - 240,000 USD / year
1 month ago

✨ About The Role

- Crafting high-impact, polished user experiences by rapidly prototyping new ideas and iterating on testable concepts - Enhancing design systems and establishing motion guidelines for consistency and delight - Collaborating closely with designers and engineers to prioritize beauty and usability in solutions - Finding innovative ways to integrate design and engineering to create delightful user experiences - Working in a team-focused environment with marketing and design to communicate the advances and benefits of AGI

âš¡ Requirements

- Experienced design engineer with a strong portfolio and at least 8 years of experience in design engineering - Proficient in design principles such as layout, typography, color, and tools like Figma - Skilled in front-end engineering with experience in Next.js, CSS/Tailwind, and Vercel - Ability to lead projects independently from concept to launch, prioritizing usability and accessibility - Detail-oriented with a relentless drive for perfection and a passion for creating beautiful, user-centric designs
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Design Engineer
San Francisco Bay Area
$190,000 - 240,000 USD / year
About OpenAI
Building artificial general intelligence