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Founding Account Executive (SF-based)

Iterate on positioning, pitch, and lead generation to close deals with early adopters.
San Francisco Bay Area
$200,000 - 220,000 USD / year
2 months ago


Open Source Metering and Usage Based Billing

Job is no longer active
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✨ About The Role

- Iterate on positioning, pitch, lead generation, and closing processes to drive sales growth - Work closely with the product and engineering teams to understand and communicate the value of the platform - Collaborate with early adopters to continuously improve the product and sales strategies - Lead the sales efforts to take the company to the next level by closing deals and expanding the customer base - Contribute to shaping the future of the company by co-creating the product and driving its success

⚡ Requirements

- Experienced sales professional with a background in technical products and early-stage startups - Comfortable building relationships with engineering and business teams to bring value to each - Demonstrated intellectual curiosity, drive, and impact in fields beyond sales - Fluent in English, with bonus points for proficiency in French or Spanish - Enjoys pushing boundaries, closing deals, and scaling processes to tackle new challenges
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Founding Account Executive (SF-based)
San Francisco Bay Area
$200,000 - 220,000 USD / year
Job is no longer active
About Lago
Open Source Metering and Usage Based Billing