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Software Engineer

Lead the development of a comprehensive software solution for coffee shop operations.
New York
$125,000 - 175,000 USD / year
3 months ago


The only piece of software a coffee shop needs to operate.

Job is no longer active
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✨ About The Role

- Join the product team at Dripos to shape the future of their products, from system architecture to software design and user experience - Work in a fast-paced environment where complete code ownership empowers every team member to take full responsibility for their work from conception to deployment - Collaborate closely with partnered locations to build their dream product while exploring new possibilities and pushing boundaries - Utilize tools like Tailwind CSS, React/Redux, Next.js, React Native, Node.js, SQL, and MongoDB to develop innovative solutions for coffee shops - Embrace the no-rules culture, enjoy unlimited time off, and work towards creating a truly unique relationship with customers

⚡ Requirements

- Experienced full-stack engineer with a strong background in front-end development using tools like Tailwind CSS, React/Redux, Next.js, and React Native - Proficient in back-end development with Node.js, SQL, and MongoDB, and has experience working in a collaborative environment - Demonstrates a solid understanding of data structures and algorithms, with a passion for innovation and customer-centricity - Thrives in a fast-paced environment, values autonomy, and is committed to delivering exceptional results - Enjoys challenges, embraces a culture of transparency and constructive feedback, and is dedicated to bringing the customer and company vision to life
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Software Engineer
New York
$125,000 - 175,000 USD / year
Job is no longer active
About Dripos
The only piece of software a coffee shop needs to operate.